In addition to coordinating pep rallies and cheering at games, cheerleaders are responsible for promoting Bullpup spirit all year. Cheerleaders will also serve as mentors to new students. Any 5th, 6th or 7th grade student wishing to tryout will be allowed to do so provided that he/she has a GPA of 2.5 or higher in all subjects, has parent permission, agrees to pay required expenses, and completes mandatory training. An additional member may be selected to serve as mascot. Attendance at all cheerleading functions is mandatory. These functions include practices, games, and pep rallies. Excuses must be cleared with the sponsors. Three unexcused absences will result in expulsion from the squad. Parents of the cheerleaders must be willing to aid in transportation and help coordinate, organize, and supervise their activities. Cheerleaders are chosen by a panel of outside judges in the spring. Try-outs are closed with only judges/school officials present. A complete description of the selection process will be sent home prior to clinic.
Cheerleading Tryout Guidelines
Tryouts to select cheerleaders for the next school year will be held in late winter/early spring of the current year. During tryouts, the candidates will be viewed by a panel of outside judges. Cheerleaders will be selected based on skill and spirit. A scoring rubric will be used. The number of cheerleaders selected will be determined by the natural break in the scores. Therefore, the number chosen may vary each year. A mandatory clinic to prepare for tryouts will be held 3-4 days prior to tryouts. There will be a non-refundable fee assessed to cover the cost of the clinic and tryouts.
Each candidate will be required to wear a white t-shirt and blue shorts with hair pulled back and tied with a ribbon. The color of the ribbon will be specified at the clinic. During tryouts, candidates will be identified by number only. Clinic and tryouts are closed to the public. The cheer coach and faculty sponsor will not be on the judging panel. The director, who will also attend tryouts, will tally all candidate scores. The results of the judges’ decisions will be final due to the objectivity of the selection process. The results will be posted on the school website the day of tryouts. A clinic/tryout schedule, an estimated expense statement, a cheerleader tryout permission form, and the AEP cheerleader constitution will be sent home prior to the clinic. All behavior expectations will be noted within the constitution.