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Social Studies


Social studies is an essential part of the A. E. Phillips middle school instructional day. The faculty and staff at A. E. Phillips desire for students to become effective participants in America’s democratic society and productive citizens in their community. The Louisiana Department of Education has provided the curriculum for social studies and addresses subjects of history, geography, economics, and civics. Along with this curriculum, teachers also use a variety of tools such as primary sources, and technology to teach social studies standards. Inquiry, research, and discussion are key instructional methods. Social studies teachers realize that learners benefit from having a variety of perspectives. Guest speakers, such as leaders in the community and state, are invited to speak to students of all ages. Characteristics of good citizenship are emphasized and integrated throughout the entire school day. Service opportunities are provided as well.

At A. E. Phillips, middle school English language arts teachers also teach social studies because of the integration of these two subjects. Analyzing content, annotating information, evaluating claims, and understanding cause and effect relationships are just some of the skills that social studies and English language arts share. Students are assessed similarly to English language arts. Students are expected to think critically as they read and write for social studies. School wide events, such as the annual Patriot Day program and celebration of Veterans’ Day also serve as teaching opportunities of American History.