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Policy & Procedure for Gifted Screening/Referrals Referral Process for Students enrolled in Grades K-8

1) Parent, guardian, teacher, or other school personnel may request screening.

2) The gifted program teachers will complete designated sections of the green referral form, with input from classroom teachers, and contact the SBLC chairperson (Stephanie Whitten) to record the student’s name in the SBLC notebook.

3) A letter to obtain permission for screening is sent to the parent/guardian by the gifted program teacher.

4) SCREENING: After screening permission is received, the gifted program teacher administers screening, records student’s performance in the matrix on the referral form, and contacts the SBLC chairperson to record results in the SBLC notebook. The student’s parent will be contacted with screening results. If the student did not pass screening criteria for further testing by Pupil Appraisal, the referral form and protocols will be kept in SBLC records file in the counselor’s office until the student’s transition to high school. If the student passed screening to be referred to Pupil Appraisal for further testing, a SBLC meeting will be held. The SBLC chairperson will schedule a meeting on the next designated SBLC date. Parents are invited to attend.

5) SBLC MEETING: Results of the screening are reported by the gifted program teacher. A letter is given to the parent/guardian. The gifted program teacher will give the completed referral packet, with the appropriate signatures, to the Pupil Appraisal contact for their school. The complete packet includes: Referral Form (green), permission letter for screening, parent notification of screening results letter, student demographics page, and protocols/records forms of the academic/aptitude tests. The Pupil Appraisal representative will obtain permission for an evaluation. *Director of Pupil Appraisal, Becky Stutzman, will send periodic updates of where AEP students are in the evaluation process. Questions about the screening/evaluation process should first be directed to the SBLC chairperson.

Procedures for admission to the Talented Art Program

1) Students who are interested in this program are encouraged to turn in an art portfolio (criteria for the art portfolio is below) to Mrs. Clary.

2) Mrs. Clary, will then forward those to Pupil Appraisal, who in turn, will have a committee who will assessed them and determine who meets the criteria for further evaluation.

3) This is open for students in 5th grade and up.

Please Find the Art Portfolio Criteria below:

Art Portfolio Criteria