8th Grade Only
The Study of US History Documents (8th Grade)
Mrs. Wynne
Students will explore and dig deeper into United States documents within 8th grade standards that were monumental in our history. While using a variety of sources, students will dissect the documents and important events that occurred concurrently. This course will involve students analyzing documents, political cartoons, letters, and other primary sources through project-based learning and group discussions. Students will also take a field trip to the North Louisiana Military Museum to observe artifacts from the Civil War to the current day.
Advanced Art (8th Grade)
Mrs. Clary
This class encourages personal expression, while developing creativity through exploring different art materials, methods, and techniques. The students will use a variety of media through drawing, painting, printmaking, and perspective drawing. Students will learn principles of color theory, 3D art form, and art history. This class will also focus on composition and critical thinking skills. The end of the year will consist of an art show for students to display their work. Also, local artists will be invited to share their work, profession, and careers with the students. For example: studio artists, and professional artists in graphic design, architecture, photography and watercolor.
8th Grade Play (8th Grade)
Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Hearn, & Mrs. Wick
In a matter of about eight weeks, the 8th grade class at AEP successfully put on a full Broadway Jr. performance at the Ruston Dixie theater. This is an amazing opportunity for students to learn teamwork, stage presence, and build confidence. Students are required to memorize character lines, dances, singing and so much more.
Next Level 8th Grade Math (8th Grade Only)
Mrs. Kelly
In Next Level 8th Grade Math, students will master the Pythagorean Theorem, Scientific Notation, and Exponential Notation, which are all requirements for 8th grade math. This will create a solid mathematical foundation for 8th grade math and future subjects such as Algebra I, and Geometry.
8th Grade Geometry (8th Grade)
Mrs. Kelly
This course is designed to take an in-depth look at transformations, which is a requirement for 8th grade math and a prerequisite for Geometry in high school. Students will be able to better understand congruence and similarity using physical models, transparencies, or geometry software.
Advanced Geometry (8th Grade Accelerated)
Dr. Joseph
This course is designed to take an advanced look at transformations, which is a requirement for 8th grade math and a prerequisite for Geometry in high school. Students will be able to better understand congruence and similarity using physical models, transparencies, or geometry software. This course is a required elective for 8th Grade Accelerated students only.
7th & 8th Grade
Cursive with a Purpose (7th & 8th Grade)
Mrs. Wynne
In this course, students will learn how to write in cursive. Then students will apply their cursive writing skills to create thank you letters, write persuasive paragraphs, create letters for various purposes, and for a variety of audiences.
Journalism (7th & 8th Grade)
Mrs. Slocum
In this course, students will step into the world of journalism and graphic design as they prepare and publish Middle School Newsletters each nine-week period. They will learn to gather information on happenings at A. E. Phillips to share with the student body. Students will write articles and gather photos and graphics to include in the newsletter that will inform and engage all of their readers while using Canva to help produce a visually appealing product. This is a great opportunity for students to get creative and have fun sharing information with students and parents about the awesome things happening with our AEP Middle School Bullpups!
Music Theory & Songwriting (7th & 8th Grade)
Mrs. Miller
In this course, students will be working on building their music theory knowledge. They will learn how to read music, what basic chord structures look and sound like, as well as songwriting fundamentals. At the end of the 9 weeks, students will have written their own song and will be able to understand how the songwriting process works and the theory behind it.
Bullpup Broadcast (7th & 8th Grade)
Mrs. Postel
This high level course is designed to give students hands-on experience with producing a school news show for video broadcasting on a bi-weekly schedule. Students are responsible for visual and technical aspects of news broadcasting and journalism. Broadcasts include world news, entertainment, campus news, sports, and school interviews, featuring personalities from our AEP Bullpups.
Entrepreneurship (7th & 8th Grade)
Mrs. Ketchum
Foundations in Entrepreneurship is a digital curriculum that features video lessons by Dave Ramsey and his team of business experts. The curriculum covers essential business topics and allows students the opportunity to develop a business idea through project-based learning over the course of the 9 weeks period.
Mathcounts Competition Series (7th & 8th Grade)
Mr. Rivera & LaTech Math Team
The Mathcounts Competition Series, is a nationally recognized competitive math program for middle school students. It is designed to help students develop their problem-solving skills, math knowledge, and critical/logical thinking skills. Students will have the opportunity to participate in several math competitions during the year and learn from LaTech math professors.